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Tuesday 17 March 2015

Deeside 33 ultra marathon

I have been running most of my life on and off, and about 3 or so years ago I decided to get back into triathlons and running to see if I was actually any good or not. Last year (2014) I completed the rat race city to summit triathlon finishing in 6th place. Since then I decided to give the ultra running a go. I signed up for the Jedburgh 3 peaks ultra and had a terrible race however not long after I signed up for the Deeside way 33 ultra.

Up until race day I hadn't ran more than 19 miles in training so I didn't have high hopes going into the race and was hoping my legs would have plenty in reserve from last year. I was using this only as a training race for other events this year. 

My alarm went off at 4 am and I left shortly after picking up my good friend William Robertson from Glasgow. I ate my breakfast on the way which consisted of 1 high 5 sports bar and 4 lemon pancakes. I felt good after this however after speaking with William and his plant based ways I should probably do a bit better! 

We arrived in good time and parked right beside the park.  A wee warm up looking for the toilets and we were good to go. Race conditions were perfect with little wind and cloud cover. I met a few familiar faces from other races and then it was time to set off. I had initially planned to set out at 7 min/ miles and see how long I lasted however the first mile was busy and slow so I changed my plan and decided to run the full way at a steady pace. 

I set off alone and the first few miles had a gentle incline and I stayed about 7:25 min miles with my heart rate in the low 140s. I stayed with this until about mile 11 or so when William and his pal Barry caught me on a wee incline. I let them go ahead and stuck to my even pacing plan. The route was mostly tarmac with a few muddy bits and only gentle inclines. The race winner passed me with about 2 miles to go to half way, and he ended up finishing in 3:10 - amazing running. 

I caught William and Barry at the turnaround point and we decided to run the next section together. We were setting a good tempo about 7:10 per mile. Barry eventually took off at a good pace while I stayed relaxed. Myself and Willy were beginning to reel some people in which was showing our good pacing plan. I knew there was a small climb about 19 miles in or there abouts. I held back and Willy took off down the road. My heart rate climbed into 150s as expected due to my lack of training. 

I continued with my nutrition plan of 2 high 5 gels per hour which lasted me the full distance and I got no hunger. On approaching the marathon split I looked at my Garmin and seen I was 3:14 for the marathon which is 3 mins slower than my pb. I was extremely happy with this and the remaining miles were completed on an absolute high. I passed several people from this point and a few marshalls commented that I looked so fresh and happy. 

I knew Willy was well in front now and wouldn't see him (he finished in 4:01) so I continued at my even pace. The last 3 miles were slightly downhill and I was about 7:16 for each of them. 

The run into the park was excellent with a good crowd and high spirits all round. I crossed the line in 18th in a time of 4:07. 

I met Willy and Barry at the line then headed off to get changed. Willy had made a smoothie with spinich kale and other goodness which he forced down me. We both finished the race with fresh legs and returned to the tent for some well earned fruit and a bottle of deeside home brewed beer which I've still to try. 

The race was well marshalled throughout and I couldn't fault the organisation at all. The race was the cheapest I've entered at about £18 I think and I will be returning next year and hopefully be under the 4 hour mark. 
